
About This Web Site

Logo of Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik

Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik (later known as Lokale Radio Grafiek Maaseik) was a community radio station, that was a household name for many years, in the Dutch/Belgium border region surrounding the city of Maaseik. It came to growth in the wake of the nationally renowned Radio Veronica of the Netherlands, which started as an underground radio station, operated from open sea, avoiding Dutch broadcasting legislation (which prohibited anything other than public broadcasting). Propelled by Dutch Radio Veronica's mythical fame, and enabled by Belgium's looser laws that allowed radio stations on a community scaled, allowed Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik to develop to its own regional fame.

This website is merely a place for memories and nostalgia, and is not connected to any radio station that currently exists.


As the primary language of this web site is Dutch, and the primary audience of this web site can be assumed to understand the Dutch language, also the Dutch version of this copright notice is considered leading (Auteursrechten).

It is the intention of the maker of this web site to carefully treat copyrighted materials, as described below.

Some pictures on this web site are obtained from other web sites on basis of exceptions to copyright or fair use of copyrighted materials.

The most textual content and pictures on this web site are created as new material, specifically for publication on this web site. The copyright subsequently belongs to the maker of this web site.

Some sound tracks on this web site are copyrighted by the maker of this web site.

Some sound tracks on this web site are made by contributors of the radio station, by the radio station and/or commissioned by the radio station. With that it is unclear to whom the copyright belongs. Subsequently it is unclear whether on basis of the fact that the copyright holders made these sound tracks for radio broadcasting by the radio station also entails that publication of these sound tracks on this web site is allowed. In case copyright holders announce themselves with objections, the copyrighted materials will within reason be removed.

Much of the sound tracks on this web site were originally created using other copyrighted materials (music recordings or at least parts thereof). With that it is unclear how the then publication through radio broadcasting was regulated in terms of copyright. Subsequently it is unclear whether there are any consequences in terms of copyright for the publication through this web site. In case copyright holders announce themselves with objections, the copyrighted materials will within reason be removed.

As far as these concern copyrights held by the maker of this web site and to the extent possible under law, they have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights. These materials are published from the United States. For all intent and purposes these materials are in the public domain. And to that extent it is permitted to reuse these materials, e.g. for radio broadcasting.

Public domain

This web site is made by Sander Verhagen.


As the primary language of this web site is Dutch, and the primary audience of this web site can be assumed to understand the Dutch language, also the Dutch version of this disclaimer is considered leading (Disclaimer).

This web site is provided by the maker without any guarantee. The preceding concerns guarantees regarding the availability, the form and the contents of this web site, but possibly also other guarantees that are not mentioned here. The use of this web site is entirely for the own account and risk of the visitor.

This website is merely a place for memories and nostalgia, and is not connected to any radio station that currently exists.

Also see the information regarding Copyright.

This web site is made by Sander Verhagen.

Old Websites

Some version of old web sites of the later Lokale Radio Grafiek Maaseik are still available. Note the hideous early Internet designs.

Note that this content is only available in Dutch.

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Tracks from Shows

Tracks from shows as can be heard on this web site are shorted to a minimum. — Read more: Tracks from Shows

't Weekend Grafiekske

't Weekend Grafiekske was a magazine, linked to the radio station, aimed at the combined sales of radio advertisement and printed advertisements. — Read more: 't Weekend Grafiekske

24 Hours per Day

The radio station could be listened to 24 hours per day. — Read more: 24 Hours per Day

Advertising Sales

Revenue for the own operations came from the sales of airtime for commercials. — Read more: Advertising Sales

At Locations in Maaseik

The radio station had built an own network that connected pubs in the city with the studios. — Read more: At Locations in Maaseik

Bleumerstraat 59

The station had (rented) its own building on the Bleumerstraat (street) in Maaseik. A long, narrow building with three stories and a basement, that was in a bad condition for a long time already. — Read more: Bleumerstraat 59

Cassette Tapes

Many of the sound tracks on this web site come off of cassette tapes (compact cassettes). — Read more: Cassette Tapes

Charity Bingo Night

The radio station organizes a charity bingo night for one of its volunteers who ended up in a wheelchair. — Read more: Charity Bingo Night


Also follow our Facebook page. — Read more: Facebook

Grafiek Maaseik

When Belgian legislation for community radios dictates that no two radio stations could have the same name (or a similar), this worked out in favor of Radio Veronieka in Deinze, and Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik changed her name to Lokale Radio Grafiek Maaseik. — Read more: Grafiek Maaseik

Henri Kicken Video

We love the radio, but there is also video of our radio! — Read more: Henri Kicken Video

Keeping Track of Shows

In the beginning I kept accurate track of when I broadcasted on the radio station. It was a time of typewriters and titles were made with a letter mould. — Read more: Keeping Track of Shows

Known Names

Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik had her own famous stars − a state that I never reached there. Here follows a short overview. — Read more: Known Names


Of course the radio station had its own letterhead as can be seen here. — Read more: Letterhead

Me Arriving at RVAM

At an early age already "broadcasting" had an enormous appeal. Other boys may tell you about their ambitions at becoming a fire fighter, my dream was: "director of broadcasting". But what I really liked was the technology involved and radio as a medium. My first acquaintance with a real radio station was the hospital radio/TV. — Read more: Me Arriving at RVAM

Nice Noise

Nice Noise was a show on Thursday night with heavy metal music, sometime around 1994. — Read more: Nice Noise

Performances in the Bleumerstraat

Radio Grafiek organized a weekend with performances in a podium wagon along the Bleumerstraat. — Read more: Performances in the Bleumerstraat


Some shows made use of playlists. — Read more: Playlists

Press Id.

The radio station had no access to official press cards, but made its own identification cards for volunteers. — Read more: Press Id.

Production Agencies

Also some production agencies were involved with the radio station, or at least: labels that tried to behave as such. — Read more: Production Agencies

Promotion Team

Lokale Radio Grafiek Maaseik worked hard to get her new name known and even had an own promotion team. — Read more: Promotion Team

Radio Name

Starting to become a regular on Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik, I obviously needed my own name jingles. So "DJ Sander" dove into the studio with one of his radio buddies to record jingles. — Read more: Radio Name

René Shuman Visit

René Shuman gained national acclaim for his performance in the Soundmixshow with Henny Huisman. — Read more: René Shuman Visit


The logo of Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik is a strong reference to its home town, Maaseik. — Read more: RVAM Logo

Sports Programming

The radio station had with ups and downs a lively sports staff that took care of a number of shows and reports. — Read more: Sports Programming

Studio 2 Reconstruction

In 1996 the much-aged and heavily-worn equipment in studio 2 of the radio station was replaced by a brand new mixer (Dateq BCS) and accompanying furniture. — Read more: Studio 2 Reconstruction

Studio 4 Reconstruction

After the reconstruction and replacement of studio 2 the remaining parts could be used to also refurbish studio 4 one last time. — Read more: Studio 4 Reconstruction

Studio Technics

The layout of the studios 2 and 4 was mostly the same. — Read more: Studio Technics

The Fresh Bakery's Night

The Nacht van de Warme Bakker (Fresh Bakery's Night, or the Night of the Fresh Baker) was a special broadcast during the night, such as in 1989. — Read more: The Fresh Bakery's Night

The Making Of

Many hundreds of cassette tapes, MiniDiscs, photos, documents and my own memories were the sources of this web site. — Read more: The Making Of

Top 100 of the Year

The radio station also had its own hit parades. The year overviews of these hit lists were always nice round-ups of the year. — Read more: Top 100 of the Year


The transmitter that the radio station used was a Pascal FM 50 on FM frequency 105.6 MHz. — Read more: Transmitter


This web site contains a large quantity of content regarding the radio station. But some favorites can be pointed out. — Read more: Treasures


Here follows a non-exhaustive list of volunteers of the radio station. — Read more: Volunteers

Vrije Vogel

Vrije Vogel Radio (Free Bird Radio) was possibly the most direct competitor of Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik. — Read more: Vrije Vogel

Web Site in English

A large part of this web site is also available in English. That might seem strange for a radio station from an area where Dutch is spoken. — Read more: Web Site in English


Famous and not-so-famous artists were often asked to speak for jingles for the radio station. Here are a few examples. — Read more: Artists

Call In to the Studio

Participation was always well-appreciated by the radio station, although it was sometimes nearly non-existent. — Read more: Call In to the Studio


The radio station generated revenue for its own operations through commercials. — Read more: Commercials

Geen Ander dan Sander

Sander decided in the summer seasons 1994 and 1995 to fill the hour on Sunday afternoon of the Wammes Eurke as it was broadcast in the winter season. This happened under the name: "Geen Ander Dan Sander" ("No Other than Sander"). — Read more: Geen Ander dan Sander

Grafiek Maaseik

Here are some jingles specifically for Lokale Radio Grafiek Maaseik, and not for disc jockes or radio shows. — Read more: Grafiek Maaseik

Gymnastics for the Elderly

Prepare to crack and stretch your extremities, on your butt, knees or back. Up-2-3-4, down-2-3-4. This is gymnastics for the elderly (seniors). — Read more: Gymnastics for the Elderly

Hit Parades

The radio station had various hit parades and promotional records. — Read more: Hit Parades


Hitstudio was a youth-oriented music show at the radio station, programmed in the early evenings. — Read more: Hitstudio


On a specific week morning there was also room for the weekly horoscope. — Read more: Horoscope

Ineke Interviewing Children

Ineke Franssen headed out and interviewed some children. — Read more: Ineke Interviewing Children


Sound Tracks

More than 600 sound tracks of the radio station is here available (over 2 gigabytes), such as tracks from shows. Many of these sound tracks are taken off of Cassette Tapes. These sound tracks are protected by Copyright.

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Under the header "Miscellaneous" there's jingles and other sound tracks to listen to that don't fit any other categories.

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