Advertising Sales

Revenue for the own operations came from the sales of airtime for commercials.

The cost for broadcasting a commercial went from approx. 6 euro (low frequency) to approx. 2,5 euro (year contract). Of course in that time costs were settled in Belgian francs, Dutch guilders and German marks.

For the sales of airtime for commercials the radio station had a few (free lance) representatives on route.

Introduction letter for an information package for the sales of airtime for commercials Tariffs for commercials (basic)

The entire document "Pubiciteits-Info" ("Publicity Info") is available as PDF (4Mb).

Typically commercial were broadcasted three times per hour:

  • On the whole hour
  • Twenty minutes past the hour
  • Twenty minutes before the hour

The broadcasting of commercials for a long time was a whole fuzz with cassette tapes.

Of course there were also radio commercials to advertise the sales of radio commercials; here are some samples.

Download Name Play Size Duration
download Reclame op Lokale Radio Grafiek Maaseik
0.7 MB 0:37 min
    Comments: Reclamespot om adverteerders aan te trekken
download Veronica Anders Publiciteit
0.6 MB 0:30 min

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