Production Agencies

Also some production agencies were involved with the radio station, or at least: labels that tried to behave as such.

These delivered mostly jingles and commercials, but also entire shows:

Cassette tape of the Centrum voor Muziek in MaaseikCentrum voor Muziek

The Centrum voor Muziek (CVM, Center for Music) was an association from Maaseik, that was also seen as a sister organization of Radio Veronica Anders Maaseik, that had its own recording studio. In this studio music was produced for local talent, and also jingles and commercials for the radio station.


D.I.M. was a company from Zele, responsible for a large number of jingles, commercials and entire shows. These radio shows they produced without mention of a specific radio station, so that they could send the same recordings to a number of radio stations.

Easy Analog

Easy Analog was a label for a large number of jingles, commercials and entire radio shows made by Sander Loven (Radio Name) for the radio station.


MASA, signifying MArcel and SAnder, was a collaboration between Marcel van Leeuwen (alias of Marcel Smeets) and Sander Loven (Radio Name). They were involved in a number of shows of the radio station, which they labeled "MASA" just for fun.

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Press Id.

The radio station had no access to official press cards, but made its own identification cards for volunteers.

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