Wammes Eurke

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The Wammes Eurke (Wammes Hour) was a seasonal show on the radio station, with music and information regarding carnival, specifically carnival in Maaseik.

It was produced in collaboration with the carnival association The Heilig Wammes of Maaseik, broadcasted on Sunday afternoon and hosted by (among others) Johan Coolen (Radijohan) and Norbert Houben (former Carnival Prince of The Heilig Wammes).

Stamp of The Heilig Wammes

Norbert often addressed his audience saying "my sweet Wammese" and traditionally ended the show with the words: "dit was 't dan, euch eigen, echt en onvervalst Wammes Eurke! Maaseik alaaf!" ("This was it, your own, real and genuine Wammes Hour! Maaseik alaaf!")

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Performances in the Bleumerstraat

Radio Grafiek organized a weekend with performances in a podium wagon along the Bleumerstraat.

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